Other Search Engines:
This search engine was
developed solely for
educational and demonstra-
tional purposes. It is not a
commercial product and it
is not meant for generating
a profit.
Aside from parts of my code for
which proper credit was  given,
the search engine was
entirely developed by me.
This version is the earliest one
and its functionality is currently
limited to the basic search
engine operations. Later
versions will improve on the
the current one and will
offer an increased variety
of functions.
Oxi-search was developed
in C++ and ASP with VBScript.
Products used:
    . Visual C++ 6.0
    . Adobe Image Styler
    . Notepad
Listed below are some
of the most popular search
engines available on Internet
right now.
. Search.com
. InfoSeek.com
. AltaVista.com
. Yahoo.com
. Lycos.com
. HotBot.com
. WebCrawler.com
. Snap.com
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